Apr 21, 2013

Schenkstroop and Stubborn Spring Flowers

I love Dutch pancakes!
...and the amber molassesy sugar syrup drizzled on top, Schenkstroop. The pancakes are like a thicker version of a crepe. We picked up a mix and a bottle of Schenstroop at the market for our own little feast.
And for the table...this is what you can get for €5 in the Netherlands
And when in the Netherlands in April it's mandatory to visit the tulip fields, however, stubborn spring will not open it's sleepy eyes. So the fields of tulips are still blanketed in green rather than awake and costumed with the multicolor stripes you expect.
I find myself whispering "come on little flowers you can do it you're so close".
But thanks to the greenhouses at Kuekenhof and a few brave little buds we were able to see these...
My favorite: Salmon van Eijk