Mar 4, 2013

Bergen on a Rainy Day

I've been blessed by some unseasonably good weather in Norway. It was warmer in Oslo than the norm. And it has been drier and warmer than typical in Bergen. The pass I came through to get to Bergen on Friday was closed Saturday due to snow. I went back to my bakery today and the girl said, "today you are experiencing typical Bergen weather," rain.

So today would have been a perfect museum day. There are several art museums in Bergen. I've been trying to get to them since arriving. But, it's Monday. Closed. So I just walked, which is fine because walking, along with art museums, is in my top 10.

I saw the gardens of the natural history museum. Museum also closed.

With all the different color houses and never a neighboring two the same color, unless they are white, do you think they have a neighborhood meeting to coordinate the variety of hues or do you think it goes more like..."hey honey, you won't believe it but Mrs Nilsen stole your idea for that robin's egg blue paint. Come take a look. Now what should we do..."

"I have just the idea, that'll show her"

Oh, what goes on behind these walls.

Here I watched the clouds and fog roll in and decided it was time to visit my little bakery Solbrod for another hot chocolate.


  1. i've never wanted to live in Norway...before now.

    1. Amazing right? I have to admit I had plans to go to the ice bar in Sweden for breakfast on tues, but there was a wee change in plans. Good news I think I'm headed to Germany in 3 days ;)

  2. Oh. The tagging made me incredibly sad! Mostly because I have an idyllic fairytale in my head about Norway...
