Mar 10, 2013

Hamburg at St. Getrud

I just have to post again today with a little eye candy. Today was a low key day. I went to church and before heading back to my subway station I was intrigued by a bridge in the opposite direction. Walking, who knows where, I see spires through the trees. Now I have to check this out. I cross the bridge, turn left and follow a very snowy path along the bank of the river.

The spires at this point are getting much larger and I can hardly believe what I see

It looks more like a fairy tale castle covered in frosting then a church. And it's more beautiful with every step. So here is my little walk and discovery.

And then because I spy aqua in the distance I have to get closer

and take a picture of this

The entire walk is beautiful. Multi hued buildings lining the opposite side of the river peak through the trees.

And the coolest boat houses line the river on the other side of the bridge.

These kind of spontaneous discoveries are my favorite. Sometimes what's around the corner, or just through the trees in this case, is amazing, but you've got to take a chance and go into unknown territory to find them.

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